Friday, February 17, 2012

$125 Giveaway!

It has been Well since I am leaving comments on my new intern, Maritza's, blog Vanity Youth.. I decided I might want to leave a little blog for anyone that jumps over:) As you may have noticed.. I am not on here anymore. I run my other blog on my site directly ...

You should enter the contest though at


Monday, January 10, 2011

Where did I go?

I truly miss this blog-land... however, my blog that is on my website, , is the one that I keep updated most! I also have a blog that focuses on my designs at, . Finally... you can find out about any upcoming sales, get updates from my blog and more at

We have a lot of big plans this year! Hope you can join(:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Past Few Months

I found my twin. I get told I look like a mannequin at least 6 times a month.... really... no lie!

Imonni wore a poncho due to massive flooding... except it ended up staying up for 2 weeks.

Tequila shots were done by these three.


More LOVE.

and yet more LOVE.


I am lucky to have such great friends(:

I even got to see Beth!!! Yeah!!!

Don't tell Yumi I put this up... she would get so embarrassed!

Jason and I had to move our entire house into the kitchen for new carpet.
This was only the beginning~

We saw The Queen!
Mary... that is...

It was windy, yet Leslie still looked perfect, as always!

I enjoyed "The Baby" the entire weekend... that is the necklace(:
I hope someone else will enjoy it as much as me... if not... I am keeping it!!!

See how awesome it is... I want it... I want it!!!


My new friend.

No, we didn't even have food!

My favorite place to be.

Till next time...

Alright Already!

I have been asked to write more on my blog... I am a busy gal, and unfortunately, this is not my top priority! I am getting ready for my first fundraising event, "Save Sea Lions," which is so exciting! Remember that cute seal pic from awhile back?... well that was the Marine Mammal Care Center (MMCC), and the reason for the fundraiser!

April 15th- July 15th, I will be donating 25% of select Un-Conventional Jewelry items, to the MMCC. Spring and summer are crucial months for our Sea Lion friends, so they will need more supplies during these trying times. I was just there last weekend, and it was sad to see a very full house. Made me want to push harder to make this fundraiser a big success!

I have been making special items for the event, and just wrapped sending the first round of press releases. So.... I will be trying to keep up with this blog in the meantime, since it has been since the beginning of the year!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

So it is a New Year?!

The Un-Conventionalist's New Year Resolutions!

Have Intellectual Conversations.

Love My Friends Unconditionally.

Celebrate Life with awesome people.

Dance Freely... whenever I want to.

Keep taking those wonderful mirror shots!

Walk more in large groups of people because it is fun.

Act crazy because I need to be true to myself.

Celebrate love always.

Eat healthy... which I do... except for salt... and coca-cola... yum!

Enjoy the holidays more.

My Apologies!!!

It has been a century and a half since I last posted anything! Sooooosorrrryyyy!!! Between all the other sites and such, I find it hard to divide up my time! Of course, I am always designing, even when I should be off the clock(; I just can't help myself! So cheers to 2010!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Joy of Disneyland!

I came just to kiss the turtle at CA Adventures!
I finally got my ears!

We come to watch the ducks... really!

Of course have some beer!

Enjoy the Trees!

Crowds make me crazy! We stayed at Disneyland for about 10 minutes.
Me after the trying experience.

One more beer and some food at Downtown Disney.
Till next time.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Birthday Weekend Ignited

Starting Dec. 3rd. At Imonni.

The highlight of my day! I saw this in the window of the AIDS Assistance League the previous day. The store was closed to prepare for the Annual Glitz Event. I stood in line, waiting patiently, and was a nervous wreck... until it was in my possession.

Santa comes to town right around my birthday every year! Christmas trees too!

I was having fun sitting on my "looking post" taking pictures.

This was a flier for a music event... I was trying to make it look as if the tiger was feasting on my
favorite Un-Conventional ring(;
What better way to celebrate your birthday, by putting together a table and chairs!

Bathe Yumi in a Dirty Martini.

It is my Birthday!

I bought these at the Glitz Event at AIDS Asst. League! One for a me, one for Leslie.
Yes, I was wearing sequins before they were trendy(;

The next day, Dec.5th. My birthday creme brulee.

Later that evening, we met up with more friends at the local pub.

I always sit shot gun in the taxi. I love the stories taxi drivers tell!

To end my birthday weekend, my friend, Jani, had to show "Surprise Kitty."
Best video ever!
We watched it like 8 times in a row(;